Eco-Innovatıon Concept and Dımensıons
Chapter from the book: Başarır, Ç. & Yılmaz, Ö. (eds.) 2023. Green Approaches in Social Sciences: Digitalization and Energy.

Hatice Aydın
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University


The concept of eco-innovation has been on the agenda of many researches, businesses and brands within the framework of green approaches and sustainability in recent years. While some studies approach innovations in a general sense, most research is based on the understanding that innovation can occur in different ways. Therefore, understanding eco-innovation dimensions is important for the development of innovation. Due to its importance, this study focuses on eco-innovation dimensions. Innovation, which we encounter with many innovation dimensions, is explained as product, process, organization and marketing eco-innovation dimensions, taking into account the OSLO guideline. It can be said that these four dimensions are the most common eco-innovation dimensions in the literature and practice.

How to cite this book

Aydın, H. (2023). Eco-Innovatıon Concept and Dımensıons. In: Başarır, Ç. & Yılmaz, Ö. (eds.), Green Approaches in Social Sciences: Digitalization and Energy. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 23, 2023