Psychological Dynamics in Sports
Chapter from the book:
Current Approaches in Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Self-determination means that an individual takes responsibility for his or her own life and can make decisions freely based on his or her inner values. Self-determination theory is an empirical theory that focuses on the relationship between human behavior and individual development and consists of six different sub-theories. Intrinsic motivation refers to the actions that individuals carry out with their inner desire, without depending on external rewards. Athletes' intrinsic motivation levels are related to the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness) of the social environment. Athletes may do sports for different reasons, such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Self-determination theory can help coaches understand how extrinsic rewards can influence intrinsic motivation. Bandura's social cognitive theory defines the concept of self-efficacy and supports a view of human functioning associated with cognition, interaction with others, self-regulation, and self-reflections in the human adaptive process. In sports, self-efficacy is the athlete's belief that he or she can perform the behaviors necessary to achieve desired results. Self-efficacy can vary along three dimensions: level, generality, and strength. High self-efficacy in athletes is a factor that affects resilience, effort in the face of difficulties and performance. Self-efficacy is shaped and can change through four primary sources of knowledge: past experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological-emotional states. These four sources of information can create changes in self-efficacy in athletes. Self-efficacy jointly influences motivation and abilities and plays an important role in people's performance and behavior. Psychological resilience is defined as the expression of positive responses to stressful situations and includes the ability to cope with, adapt to, and effectively control stress. It has been observed that psychological endurance as well as physical abilities are also important for success, especially in the field of sports. Psychological resilience is considered as the ability of athletes to withstand pressure and competition and can be improved through methods such as mental training. This concept has gained more importance in research in the field of sports and has revealed the importance of more specific and in-depth methodologies in the measurement and development of endurance.