Strategies to Cope with Stress in Sports
Chapter from the book:
Current Approaches in Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Stress is a physiological, behavioral, emotional or cognitive response that occurs when an individual's resources are inadequate to internal or external stimuli. The way individuals interpret and evaluate stimuli is the main factor in the occurrence of stress. Chronic stress occurs in a state of constant arousal and acute stress occurs in a temporary state of arousal. Stress can cause psychological disorders, behavioral problems and physical diseases in individuals. Stress is also encountered in the sports environment, which has a structure highly affected by life experiences. In addition, factors such as the type of sport performed, the importance of the activity, uncertainty, personality structure, situational structure, group structure and experience appear as stressors in sports. Many situations in the sports environment create stress, and it is often not possible to prevent it. Instead, learning how to deal with stress and applying these methods is very important. The process of dealing with internal and external demands that are perceived as threatening or overwhelming is called coping with stress, and two types of stress coping are mentioned. One of these is called problem-focused coping and the other is called emotion-focused coping. Problem-focused coping aims to deal directly with stress triggers through strategies such as information-seeking, planning, and goal-setting. Emotion-focused coping, on the other hand, aims to cope with the effects of uncontrollable stressors. Strategies for coping with stress include physical, mental and behavioral techniques. Relaxation and biofeedback are physical, stopping negative thoughts, rational thinking, visualization and systemic desensitization are mental, and changing type A behavior, overcoming anger and using time well are behavioral coping techniques. Conscious application of stress-coping methods in sports helps athletes maintain optimum performance.