Poster Evaluations According to Brockmann's Grid System: Emrah Yücel Movie Poster Designs
Chapter from the book:
Current Readings on Graphic Design.
Poster designs are graphic products designed to convey a message that has passed into our language from the French word "affiche". The development of printing technology over time has brought a different dimension to graphic design and made poster design more functional over the years. Posters produced in different genres have also come together with cinema as a marketing tool. The main function of movie posters is to convey information to the audience in an appropriate and clear way and to promote the content. Movie posters that provide information to the audience about the content are also widely used communication tools today.
A successful page layout is notable for movie posters, which are graphic design products, to establish strong communication with the audience. How each element used on the design surface is positioned on the page is a situation that needs to be considered in order not to create conceptual and semantic confusion. Brockmann has developed the grid system by arguing that posters can be constructed with a systematic order. This system, created according to certain principles and discipline, allows for designs in which information arrangements are directly transferred. Within this context, Emrah Yücel's movie poster designs were evaluated through Brockmann's grid system. Six of Emrah Yücel's movie posters were randomly selected, and the selections were interpreted by descriptive scanning and observation method. It can be mentioned that Emrah Yücel prefers modular grid the most and line grid the least in the movie posters. When the page layout in the poster designs is analyzed, all of them are in vertical form and the visual elements in the poster are designed to create integrity with the theme. Dark tones were mainly preferred in the choice of background and fonts without serifs were used in typography.