
Family Businesses,Internal Resource Dependence and Institutionalization
Businesses that survive in economic life are mostly either family businesses or consist of businesses that have started commercial life as a family business. In this context, family businesses constitute one of the most important issues of business administration. However, in addition to the phenomenon of globalization, the effect of which has been going on for a long time throughout the world, successive economic crises make it necessary to restructure businesses and show that current management approaches are insufficient. It is seen that a new concept has been added to the business world since the 1990s and this concept is “Corporate Management”. In family businesses, features such as the management of the business, the chairmanship of the board of directors, and the fact that the ownership is mostly concentrated in the same person, and that the partners are family members, make it suspiciousand causes a kind of dependence that traditional views on corporate governance are used for family businesses without any change. Businesses are trying to reduce these dependencies or turn them in their favor. Resources owned by a business are classified as internal and external resources
Based on Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's quote "The basis of social development and decay lies in the attitudes of managers", this book evaluates different perspectives for better management of family businesses. "Family Businesses, Internal Resource Dependence And Institıtutıonalızatıon" is designed to explore the main challenges of family businesses and develop solutions to them. With contributions from leading scholars in the field, this book offers readers new and different perspectives. It aims to contribute to the field of Management and Organization by providing a comprehensive overview of different paradigms and managerial thinking. We hope that it will be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the complexity of the art of management, organizational structures, modern business practices, strategies, organizational theories, approaches to complex issues and their impact on organizations.
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