Wearable Technology Usage in Race Walking
Chapter from the book:
The Use of Developing Technology in Sports.
The use of temporal sensor data related to human activity has greatly increased in recent years thanks to smart technology has become widespread and even ubiquitous in our daily lives. Today wearable technology has many roles in our daily life. Wearable technological products allow us to easily obtain a lot of data in the field of sport and health. This data can make it possible to monitor physical condition, athletic performance, training load and can even be used to prevent injury mechanisms or to analyse rehabilitation. Athletics is one of the sports in which performance is tracked metrically and chronometrically. The only exception is race walking which based on subjective observation of the judges in this sport. There is a need for the development and use of wearable technological devices that can support referee judgment in walking and can be used for fair decisions in disqualification and penalty time applications during the competition.