The Use of Developing Technology in Sports
It is seen that sports, as a part of social culture, is affected by developments and innovations throughout history and social process. From the increase or decrease in the popularity of sports according to socio-cultural changes, to the greater adoption of different sports practices in different geographies, all can be considered as a result of the dynamism of sports. Especially with the industrial revolution, developments in sports practices have progressed parallelly. The development of materials in several sports events has also supported the improvement of performance. While objective outcome evaluations have become more sensitive under those conditions, subjective outcome evaluations have become as rational as possible due to the developing technology. This condition has strengthened the factor of "fairness", which is one of the main foundations of sports.
Nowadays, we are trying to get used to the fast intervention of the development of technology, digitalization, and the use of artificial intelligence in our lives and even in our clothes with wearable technology. Athletes, coaches, managers and other supporting variables of the athlete, are trying to use the newest generation of sports technology as much as possible. It will be very important to closely follow the developments of digitalization and to be able to use functional products in health and performance development.
The purpose of this book is to share current developments and trends regarding the use of developing technology in sports, to examine the current state of artificial intelligence applications in sports, and to give examples of the use of technology in different team and individual sport events. Further the book aimed to provide information about technological developments in outdoor recreational activities as well as in performance sports.
I would like to express my gratitude to all my colleagues who contributed to this book with the title “The use of developing technology in sports” by writing chapters.
I wish that this book will be beneficial to those who do research on the areas of developing technology in sports and to those who are interested,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işık BAYRAKTAR (PhD)
October, 2023
Alanya, Turkiye