Analysis of the Word Groups Used as the Turkish Equivalent of the Term Influencer Marketing and a Term Suggestion: “Etkileyici Kişi Pazarlaması”
Chapter from the book:
Bilginer Ozsaatcı,
Featured Topics in Digital Marketing and Applied Studies.
In the national literature, leads to confusion in terminology the use of various different from each other word groups due to the lack of consensus on a term that accurately and completely conveys the meaning of the English term “influencer marketing” into Turkish. The use of a large number of word groups in the national literature shows that there is not yet a generally accepted Turkish term. The aim of the research is to detect the word groups used as the equivalent of the English term “influencer marketing” in the national literature, to analyze these word groups according to grammatical rules and to contribute to the formation of meaning unity in terms of terminology in the national literature by selecting the word group that accurately and completely conveys the meaning of the term influencer marketing to Turkish. The research was carried out with the basic qualitative research design from qualitative research methods. Purposeful random sampling method was used in the research. In line with the research purpose, in the Dergi Park database, 47 documents that are suitable for the research were included in the research from 51 documents containing the English term “influencer marketing”. Data were collected by document analysis. The word groups that were detected to be used as the equivalent of the term “influencer marketing” in the documents were determined as analysis units. Research is limited to these groups of words. It was detected through content analysis whether the 16 determined word groups accurately and completely conveyed the meaning of the English term “influencer marketing” into Turkish. These word groups are influencer marketing, influencer pazarlama, influencer pazarlaması ve etkileyici pazarlama, etkileyici pazarlaması, etkileyici kişi pazarlaması, e-etkileyici kişi pazarlaması, etki pazarlaması, etkileyen pazarlama, etkileyenli pazarlama, fenomen pazarlama, fenomen pazarlaması, nüfuz pazarlaması, nüfuzlu pazarlama, hatırlı pazarlama ve etkileşimli pazarlama. It was examined through content analysis whether the 16 identified word groups accurately and completely conveyed the meaning of the English term “influencer marketing” into Turkish, and the findings were interpreted by describing. The theme of the research consisted of “the type of word group” theme. According to the findings, it has been concluded that “etkileyici kişi pazarlaması” vocabulary group accurately and completely conveys the meaning of the term “influencer marketing” to Turkish. In order to create a common understanding in the national literature, “etkileyici kişi pazarlaması” has been proposed as a term.