Pre-Republican Turkish Nationalism and Nationalization Policies in Turkey
Chapter from the book:
Academic Research and Evaluations in Social Sciences - III.
Nationalism, nation-state, and nation-building are notions in respect of which considerable discussion has developed as in other concepts in social sciences. These notions are considered as inter-related and analysed in different ways within the context of each researcher’s own perspective. Even though there are a great number of perceptions concerning the issue, in almost all resources nation state, nation-building and nationalism are evaluated as inter-related and even complementary notions that appear as a consequence of socio-economic and political developments in Western Europe. Nation-state and nationalism which spread all over the world in time are described generally within terms of two essential models as “developed country” and “developing country”. In Turkey which has become one of the nation-states in the world since the Republic was founded, it is revealed that the process of nation-building is interrelated with the development of nationalism and furthermore a distinctive progress not compatible with neither developing countries nor developed countries is observed. In this period experienced Reforms, first. and second constitutionalism, İttihat and Terakki age and determined nationalization by the state policies and intelectuals.
In this study, phases of nationalism and nation-building in Turkey are analysed within the context of political and social developments until the foundation of the Republic through discussing the emergence of Turkish nationalism in pre-Republic era and the politics of nation building.