What is Consumer Inertia? A Conceptual Evaluation
Chapter from the book:
Academic Research and Evaluations in Social Sciences - II.
Consumer inertia refers to the tendency of consumers not to change their current situation even if they have better alternatives. In other words, it is the wants of consumers to maintain their current situation due to various factors, even if they have alternatives that may produce more satisfactory results for their purchases. These factors can be multiplied, such as consumers having formed habits, not wanting to take the time to find alternatives or not having the time, having developed brand loyalty, not having enough information, and not wanting to face uncertainty. The concept, which is based on the inertia discussed in Newton's First Law of Motion, has led to sociological, psychological, and organizational approaches over time and has begun to be discussed frequently in the field of social sciences. It is thought that examining this concept from the perspective of consumption will benefit both individuals and businesses. Consumer inertia can have negative consequences for both individuals and businesses. From an individual perspective, consumer inertia can make it difficult for consumers to switch to better alternatives, making it difficult to access higher-quality products and services, and slowing down the adoption of new technologies. From a business perspective, consumer inertia can prevent businesses from gaining a competitive advantage over existing alternatives, seizing growth and innovation opportunities, and losing profits and customers. Therefore, it is thought that studying consumer inertia will be decisive in eliminating these negative consequences. In this study, which was carried out based on this thought, the concept of inertia was first examined in terms of its origin. In the second part of the study, information was first given about the use of the concept of inertia in the field of social sciences. In the last part of the study, which continues with examining the concept of consumer inertia, consumer inertia studies conducted in Turkey are included. It has been determined that there are very few studies in Turkey, both in terms of articles and thesis studies and this book chapter, which is discussed from a conceptual perspective, is thought to be important as a basis for further studies on the subject that has just begun to be addressed in local research.