Memory Centers of the Turkish World: National Archival Institutions I
Chapter from the book:
Selected Articles on Afro-Eurasian Studies.
Archives are places where archival material is stored, preserved, arrangemented, descriptioned and made accessible to ensure administrative sustainability, the rights of natural and legal personalities, collective memory and cultural heritage. Therefore, it is important to discuss archives as places where administrative sustainability is possible, documentary bases of rights can be protected, research services are provided and documentary common cultural memory is preserved. In this study, in order to introduce the Directorate of State Archives of the Republic of Turkey and the National Archives and Research Department of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) within the framework of independent Turkish states in general and to emphasize their characteristics as cultural memory institutions, the historical development of national archive institutions, their current collection status, The importance of the collection in terms of cultural memory, administrative structure, benefit processes for researchers, legislative infrastructure, technical-technological structuring and personnel employment issues are discussed. The topics discussed highlight the importance of national archives as places that ensure administrative sustainability, guarantee the protection of the rights of natural and legal personalities, ensure the transfer of common cultural accumulation to the future, and provide research services.