Selected Articles on Afro-Eurasian Studies
Afroeurasia is the term describing Africa and Eurasia as a single continent. In geopolitics, the term defined as the mainland of Africa-Eurasia is actually the continent we call the old world. When we look at the geographical structure of Afroeurasia, Africa and Eurasia were divided by the Suez Canal, and as a result of this division, Eurasia was divided into two branches: Europe and Asia. This separation was due to cultural division rather than geological division, and the diplomatic relations that developed between Afro-Eurasian countries eventually led to economic, social and political interaction.
He saw the countries and peoples of Europe, Africa and Eurasia as an insignificant decoration or figuration on the stage of history. Important thinkers and scientists who grew up in Europe wanted to explore the existence adventure of humanity, like those who lived before them. However, only European civilizations took part in this request, neither Africa nor the Far East took part. They interpreted Europe as centered and humanity of all nations contributing to the rise of Europe. Hegel said the following about the African continent: "...Africa is not and cannot be a historical part of the world... Africa is in an insignificant position in world history, at best at the beginning..." Because, according to Hegel, History is the process in which the spirit takes place, and it is related to the spirit. it's the same thing. Because he defended the idea that the activities of the spirit reflect its essence, because it does what is in itself, according to this defense, the concept of civilization does not exist in the spirit of African and Eurasian peoples.
When we look at Europe, it extends from the Ural Mountains in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west, with a line that is unclear about its borders and includes various views. Because it is clearly seen that it is an extension of Asia geographically. Europe is the name of a small, tiny region of Asia that extends towards the west. Even when we look at the world map, it does not have a noticeable shape, so much so that if you forget to draw Europe on the world map, it will not be noticed, whereas if you do not draw Africa or Eurasia, it will be noticed. As a matter of fact, regardless of geography, anyone who tries to take notes from the past in science and social sciences cannot take a step without Europe. However, it should not be forgotten that all the priceless elements of today's civilization were not born in Europe, they just had the opportunity to rise in Europe.
Assoc. Dr. Fatih Bugan, Assoc. Dr. I would like to thank Mr. Hakan Arıdemir, our esteemed writers and Özgür Publishing.
Associate Professor. Yunus Emre Tansü