Can Nuclear Energy Be an Alternative for Transition Toward Low Carbon Economy? A Conceptual Evaluation
Chapter from the book:
Macro Aspects of Energy Economics.
Traditional energy sources such as coal, oil and natural gas are approaching the limits in meeting the global energy demand in the long run. The fact that these sources still meet a very large part of the global energy need and the high increase in energy intensity causes the rapid depletion of these sources. On the other hand, these sources, which release high levels of carbon when burned, are also the main cause of climate change and global warming problems. For this reason, it has become the primary goal of many countries to eliminate these risks by towards to a low carbon economy. At this point, renewable energy and nuclear energy sources come to the fore as a clean energy source for a low carbon economy. There is a broad consensus in the literature that renewable energy sources are an important and clean source of energy for countries to meet their targets of decarbonization or at least reducing their carbon intensity. However, it is still a matter of debate whether nuclear energy can be a long-term alternative for a transition toward low carbon economy. From this point of view, in this study, it is aimed to make a conceptual evaluation in terms of low carbon economy by considering nuclear energy with sustainability, security and environmental dimensions which cause less environmental degradation compared to traditional energy sources, although they cannot be called ‘’carbon neutral’’.