Dark Tourism
Chapter from the book:
Change and New Search in Tourism.
The effort of people to purify their souls by putting themselves in the shoes of those who experienced sadness in the past and tos hare in their suffering is reffered to as “catharsis” in the literature. This concept actuaaly contains the essence of dark tourism. The main elements that attract people to dark tourism are their desire to relive the moments of sadness, death, pain and grief. Unlike other types ıf tourism, dark tourism is especially in terms of people’s learning lessons from painful and sad events of the past and transfering the social memory to future generations. Bad experiences and disasters in the recent past have always aroused curiosity and interest in human beings. The sense of seeing these disasters in place and the desire to witness that moment attract people to the destinations of dark tourism. Purpose of this book chapter is to make an evaluation about the places where wars, brutality and disasters took place in the past, and which stand out as destinations of dark tourism today. For this purpose, a comprehensive literature review has been conducted. In the first part the concept of dark tourism has been explained and information has been given about the motivations that attract people to dark tourism destinations. Then, content analysis, which is included in the qualitative research methods, has ben applied in the study. The importance of this study consists of determining the darkest dark tourism destinations in the world, which are expected to be included in the "darkest" category in the study of Stone (2006), who is one of the important names in this field in the literature, and giving information about these destinations by presenting them together. As a result, it is aimed to ensure the sustainability of these destinations, which remind of the frightening events that humanity has experienced in the past, to take lessens from the events, to provide education and in this way, to create a sensitivity.