Event Tourism
Chapter from the book:
Change and New Search in Tourism.
Destinations that want to get their share from national and international tourism demand want to benefit from the positive effects of tourism in order to gain competitive advantage at national and international level. Today, increasing competition highlights concepts such as effective and efficient event organization, event promotion and marketing. Increasing awareness of these concepts is very important for ensuring destination attractiveness through activities, maturing infrastructure and superstructure services, and creating a brand image for the region. Events are organized for many reasons such as attracting national and international demand, generating income, and gaining competitive advantage with other destinations. It is thought that the income obtained from the expenditures of the consumers creates added value in many areas directly or indirectly related to the tourism sector. Recreation, transportation, communication, food and beverage and accommodation businesses are among the business groups that benefit from this added value. Income and employment generated in other sectors by re-spending the income obtained from the expenditures made between enterprises or sectors are of great importance in terms of economic vitality and creation of new employment opportunities. In addition to the stated contributions of event tourism, it is thought that it has important contributions in contributing to tourism diversification, extending the tourism season, creating awareness for the region, promoting the region and finding new income sources. One of the most important problems facing the tourism sector is the seasonality problem. The events reduce the effects of the seasonality problem, which is negatively affected by tourism, by using natural attractiveness factors, and increase the demand in the off-season periods. In this study, information was given about the definition of event tourism, its positive and negative effects, event planning, event classification and the main goals and objectives of event tourism. Alaçatı Herb Festival was exemplified and the importance of the activities was emphasized.