The Effects of Coronavırus on Dollar Prices and BIST-30
Chapter from the book: Eroğlu Sevinç, D. & Sevinç, H. (eds.) 2023. Studies on Economic and Financial Policies II.

Çağrı Ulu
Izmir Kavram Vocational School
Arzu Salkım
Manisa Celal Bayar University


The start date of this study has been determined as March 11, 2020, which is the date of the first coronavirus case announced by the Ministry of Health. The number of coronavirus cases, the BIST-30 Index and the effective sales figures for the dollar were analyzed using daily data for the period of 11 March 2020-11 March 2021. The aim of the study is to determine whether there is a causal relationship between the variables. Based on the prediction model obtained, the Granger Causality test was used to determine the causality relationship between the variables. According to the analysis findings, a bidirectional causality relationship was found between the growth rate in the dollar exchange rate and the growth rate in the BIST-30 index. In addition, while the growth rate of the dollar is the granger cause of the number of coronavirus cases; A change in the number of coronavirus cases is not a granger cause of dollar rate growth. No causal relationship was found between BIST-30 and the number of coronavirus cases.

How to cite this book

Ulu, Ç. & Salkım, A. (2023). The Effects of Coronavırus on Dollar Prices and BIST-30. In: Eroğlu Sevinç, D. & Sevinç, H. (eds.), Studies on Economic and Financial Policies II. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 21, 2023