A New Approach to Decision Making Processes in Regional Development: Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods
Chapter from the book:
Academic Research and Evaluations in Social Sciences - IV.
Today, development disparities between regions are an important problem in terms of social and economic welfare. For this reason, regional development has become one of the main areas of national development. The development of various mechanisms for the effective implementation of regional development policies is a result of this process. An important element of regional planning and development activities in this field is decision-making processes. Developing innovative decision-making processes at the regional level and strengthening them with a scientific approach will contribute to the success of regional development efforts. In this direction, this study aims to include multi-criteria decision-making methods, which have an important place in the literature, in decision-making processes in regional development and to create effective decision-making mechanisms. Definitions of the concepts of development and regional development are given and multi-criteria decision making methods are explained. In this study, the process steps of MABAC (Multi-Attributive Border Approximation Area Comparison) and MAIRCA (Multi-Attributive Ideal-Real Comparative Analysis) methods, which are multi-criteria decision making methods, are given and their applications are made for sample problems. Project selection problem is exemplified with MABAC method and alternatives are ranked. For the investment location selection problem, which is one of the regional development issues, MAIRCA method is used to rank the alternatives. In both decision-making problems, basic evaluation criteria were selected and ranking was done. In the last part of the study, evaluations are made for the improvement of decision-making processes in regional development and suggestions are presented for the application of multi-criteria decision-making methods.