Analyzing The Relationship Between Participative Leadership and Individual Inovation Potential
Chapter from the book: Bal, F. & Ufacık, O. E. (eds.) 2023. Selected Articles in the Field of Management and Organization.

Zeynep Görmezoğlu
Bezmialem Vakıf University


In today's intensely competitive environment, it is critical to develop employees' problem solving skills and new idea development competencies. It is necessary for organizations to know and implement which leadership type can develop the innovative behavior characteristics of employees to ensure continuity of innovation behavior. Especially in the technology sector, where changes occur very rapidly, innovative work behavior is needed more and more every dayThe purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the individual innovation potential and the participatory leadership behavior in the technology industry. In this regard, the research covers the employees of 78 Technology and Research & Development Companies located in a total of 8 Technoparks belonging to state and foundation universities operating in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Kocaeli, and the employees of the own management companies of 8 Technoparks. In this context, a total of 950 surveys were distributed to employees and a total of 943 surveys were answered. According to the findings,  10.6% positive and significant (p<0.01) relationship was found between participatory leadership and individual innovation potential. Additionally, 23.1% positive and significant (p<0.01) relationship was found between the idea development dimension of individual innovation potential and participatory leadership. In this regard, it has been determined that it is of critical importance for organizational managers who want to increase the innovation potential of their employees to show participatory leadership behavior. In summary, new insights and perspectives on the subject have been gained by making suggestions to the managers and experts of technology companies that are in great need of innovative behavior.

How to cite this book

Görmezoğlu, Z. (2023). Analyzing The Relationship Between Participative Leadership and Individual Inovation Potential. In: Bal, F. & Ufacık, O. E. (eds.), Selected Articles in the Field of Management and Organization. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 22, 2023