Evaluation of GastronomyFestivals Held in Turkey within the Scope of Gastronomy Tourism
Chapter from the book:
Researches on Tourism.
Gastronomy festivals, which are considered within the scope of Gastronomy Tourism, mean much more than food and beverage consumption activities. Gastronomy tourism has an important place among alternative tourism that directly reflects the culinary cultures and natural riches of many societies. It is important for gastronomy tourism to provide tourists visiting the region with the opportunity to taste local products by organizing events or festivals that promote local dishes and beverages of the destination. Gastronomy festivals are important activities for the marketing and promotion of local dishes and the sustainability of the regional economy. It provides a good environment where guests coming to the region for touristic purposes can experience local products and dishes. With the diversity of local dishes and gastronomic riches in Turkey, many gastronomy festivals are organized every year. The increase in gastronomy-based festivals in recent years has led tourists visiting the destination to get to know the culinary culture of the region. Thus, the richness of the destination's culinary culture has become an attractive force for gastronomy tourism through festivals held in many regions. In this study aimed at Gastronomy Tourism, an evaluation was made on local dishes within the scope of gastronomy festivals.