E-Commerce in Digital Marketing Applications
Chapter from the book: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.) 2023. Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0.

Aykut Bilici
Gaziantep University


In recent years, the transfer of trade to the digital environment, epidemics and natural disasters have increased the interest in electronic commerce, allowing e-commerce to find a place in every field and to realize great accelerations in the amount of shopping. Thanks to the ease, selectivity and comparative structure of e-commerce, it is observed that users tend to buy more than once and customer loyalty is formed towards the stores where satisfaction occurs.

This intensive use of e-commerce and the fact that this rate of use continues to increase day by day makes it necessary for users to be aware. With the study in which all aspects of e-commerce are revealed, the issues that raise doubts in mind and why we should intensify and increase our interest will be clarified.

How to cite this book

Bilici, A. (2023). E-Commerce in Digital Marketing Applications. In: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.), Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0. Özgür Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub254.c1352



October 23, 2023