Virtual Communities and Marketing
Chapter from the book: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.) 2023. Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0.

Emine Pınar Saygın
Kütahya Dumlupınar University
Nezihe Figen Ersoy Arca
Anadolu University


Due to the rapid development of technology and the recent pandemic, consumers have started to spend more time online. While human beings are social beings by nature, they have encountered a new era that makes them more isolated and individualized. At this point, social media has emerged as an important solution for basic social needs such as feeling belonging to a group and being together. Thanks to virtual communities, people who have common things but are independent, different and far away from each other in the real world can come together. Consumption issues are also frequently included among these common denominators. For this reason, these communities that act together in the virtual world are considered important for marketers in many ways. Turkish Language Association concept of community; It defines it as 'all the people who form a whole in terms of their qualities' (TDK, 2023). This definition, which basically emphasizes qualitative unity, draws a very general framework. It is important to draw the boundaries of the concept of community and similar concepts used in order to eliminate conceptual confusion. Although the concepts of clan, tribe, group and community have common meanings in terms of their basic features, they are concepts that differ from each other with small details. Considering these concepts from the perspective of marketing science will contribute to businesses achieving more effective results in their marketing policies and strategies.

How to cite this book

Saygın, E. P. & Ersoy Arca, N. F. (2023). Virtual Communities and Marketing. In: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.), Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 23, 2023