Brand Hate in Digital Age
Chapter from the book: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.) 2023. Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0.

Aslıhan Yavuzalp Marangoz
Toros University


Companies focus on  establishing positive relationships with consumers and focus on issues that will arouse good feelings in consumers and increase their purchasing behaviour. Consumers feel different emotions towards brands, some have positive emotions, some are indifferent and some have negative emotions. And these negative emotions affect their perspectives, perceptions and attitudes, purchasing intentions and behaviours, and discourses about the brand as much as the positive ones. Consumers' negative emotions are caused by reasons such as bad experiences, product service failures, indifference. Brand avoidance, negative word of mouth and brand hatred are concepts that have entered the literature with these negative emotion. Brand hate, which can be defined as the strongest of these emotions, is an intense, strong and very negative feeling towards the brand. The digital age offers the opportunity to use the internet and social media intensively, to communicate with consumers even if they do not know each other, and to share their feelings, thoughts and experiences about brands with each other. This causes brand hate to spread more quickly and be more damaging. This study deals with all aspects of brand hate concepts. Starting from its definition, it explains the causes, consequences, types, dimensions and related brand concepts of brand hate. The study also explains the role of the digital age in the expression of these feelings.

How to cite this book

Yavuzalp Marangoz, A. (2023). Brand Hate in Digital Age . In: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.), Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 23, 2023