Digital Influencers and Consumer Purchasing: A Meta-Analysis of National Literature
Chapter from the book: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.) 2023. Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0.

Şerife Kazancı Sunaoğlu
Bayburt University
Neslişah Özdemir
Kastamonu University


Today's consumers are highly active on social media platforms due to the effects of the digital age, and they follow numerous digital influencers. Hence, digital influencers occupy a prominent position in influencing consumer behavior, garnering growing attention in academic and business domains. A wide range of empirical studies within the pertinent literature provide evidence of the influence that digital influencers have on consumers' intent to purchase. In this sense, it is advisable to periodically consolidate the findings of these accumulating investigations in the existing body of literature and evaluate the present state of affairs.

The aim of this study is to consolidate the quantitative results from various studies that have investigated the relationship between the expertise, trustworthiness, attractiveness attributes of digital influencers, and consumers' intention to make a purchase. This analysis was conducted within the framework of the source credibility model, using a sample from Turkey. In order to evaluate the validity of the suggested model, a comprehensive meta-analysis was performed. This analysis involved the utilization of 55 effect sizes derived from a total of 24 investigations, with a sample size of 11,473 consumers. The CMA software program was employed to accomplish this research. In this study, the correlation coefficient was used as the effect size, and the random effects model was employed as the model.

The results indicate a positive relationship between digital influencers' expertise (moderate level), trustworthiness (strong level), attractiveness (moderate level) features, and  purchase intention of consumers. Trustworthiness is the feature of digital influencers that most significantly influences purchase intention. The results of the study contribute to the existing literature on the impact of digital influencers' characteristics on consumer behavior. Furthermore, in the national literature, the correlation between the attributes of digital influencers and consumers' intent to make a purchase is examined in a more comprehensive manner.

How to cite this book

Kazancı Sunaoğlu, Ş. & Özdemir, N. (2023). Digital Influencers and Consumer Purchasing: A Meta-Analysis of National Literature. In: Fettahlıoğlu, H. S. & Bilginer Ozsaatcı, F. G. (eds.), Digital Transformation of Marketing: Marketing 5.0. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 23, 2023