Book Review: Adil Tol's notes on Ottoman history 1444-1922
Chapter from the book:
Current Research in Education- III.
This book review is a book review of Adil Tol's notes kept during his lectures in the 1959-1960 academic year titled "Adil Tol's Ottoman History 1444-1922". It was observed that the book contains methods and techniques related to history education. Adil Tol, a teacher who devoted his life to history education, has met many readers and therefore students with this book, which is a re-telling of what he told in the classroom in Ottoman history lessons. The Ottoman history lecture notes, which are freed from being confined to the classroom and history with this book, not only informs the reader about the teaching methods and techniques of the classroom environment used in the past, but also draws attention to out-of-school learning environments and reminds history educators of the importance of historical field trips. Another conclusion to be drawn from the lecture notes of teacher Adil Tol is that historical thinking skills should be actively included in the classroom. Chronological thinking skills because the events in the book follow a certain chronology; historical comprehension because the data presented in sources describing the past such as documents, visuals, source persons, ruins and finds, works of art and literary products are used to explain a historical event; historical analysis and interpretation because he explains his lesson by showing evidence that people who lived in the past may have different perspectives; historical inquiry-based research because he presented the lesson by obtaining historical data from different sources; historical problem analysis and decision-making because he defined the issues and problems in the past; historical thinking skills such as empathy skills because the sultans were explained together with their personality traits.