Examining the Decisions Taken at the National Education Councils in the context of the Teaching Profession
Chapter from the book:
Current Research in Education- III.
The aim of this research is to examine the decisions taken at the national education councils in the context of the teaching profession. The study employed a qualitative research method as it was aimed at making inferences from national education councils (NECs) in terms of the teaching profession. In the current study, NEC decisions (1-20) on the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) website (www.meb.gov.tr) were used as documents to derive new meanings for the teaching profession within the scope of NECs. The teaching profession in NECs can be viewed under two themes. These are managerial aspect of the teaching profession and stakeholder aspect of the teaching profession. NECs bring up different aspects of the teaching profession. They show that the decisions taken based on the agenda have both management and stakeholder dimensions of the teaching profession. The essence of the decisions taken in NECs in the context of the teaching profession is to raise the status of the teaching profession. In addition, teacher-centered decisions were made in some NECs (10, 18, 19). In this respect, the current study will contribute to the field by bringing different perspectives on the teaching profession to the agenda. Based on the results of the study, the following suggestion can be made: Although it is important to constantly bring the same issues to the agenda in NECs, a mechanism should be established to monitor the decisions taken. In this way, changes and developments in the process should be monitored.