Negative Communication Language within the Scope of Child Protection Policies in Sports
Chapter from the book: Sarıkaya, M. & Başkan, A. H. (eds.) 2023. Sports Paradigms III.

Sevim Handan Yılmaz
Bartın University
Mustafa Yaşar Şahin
Gazi University


Tomorrow's adults are today's children. Therefore, raising them well and preparing them for the future is one of our most important duties. For this reason, the United Nations has come to the conclusion that children need a contract specific to them and has taken them under protection. Children's rights are the most fundamental rights of all individuals under the age of 18. Child abuse is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2012) as actions and behaviors committed by an adult, society or the state, knowingly or unknowingly, that negatively affect the health and development of the child, and is classified under 4 headings: neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. It has been observed that, unfortunately, the people who will commit child abuse are the people who are closest to the children and provide care for them, especially the family. In this context, coaches in sports environments appear as people who can commit abusive behavior. In the research starting from this point; It is aimed to support the literature and raise awareness on the subject by examining negative communication behaviors such as "use of slang words, mocking, threatening, blaming, prejudice, giving orders, you language" exhibited by coaches in the sports environment and causing emotional abuse and affecting children greatly. This study is a descriptive study on the use of negative language in coach and athlete communication. In the study, a thematic compilation design was used within the framework of a detailed literature-based source scanning method to collect data. As a result of the study, "giving orders, threatening, blaming, name-calling, mocking, using slang", which are frequently encountered in the sports environment, are negative communication behaviors and all of these behaviors are within the scope of emotional abuse, and all of these behaviors cause the child to feel worthless and defenseless, such as shyness, introversion. It can be said that it can cause people to exhibit behaviors such as these, and thus lose their sense of self-confidence and damage their personality.

How to cite this book

Yılmaz, S. H. & Şahin, M. Y. (2023). Negative Communication Language within the Scope of Child Protection Policies in Sports. In: Sarıkaya, M. & Başkan, A. H. (eds.), Sports Paradigms III. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 7, 2023