Neuroscientific Analysis of Waldorf Approach in Preschool Education
Chapter from the book:
Current Research in Education- I.
The Waldorf education is founded by Rudolf Steinner in 1919. This education is a versatile and deep educational approach that aims to develop the child in a holistic and balanced way in social-emotional, psychomotor, cognitive and spiritual aspects from the first years, to educate the child artistically and musically, and to learn how to socialize without competition (Çelik, 2013). Neuroscience examines the working principles, functioning and nervous system of the brain (Akdağ, 2015). In this study, Waldorf education, applications and neuroscience literature were investigated in depth and Waldorf education was examined from neuroscientific perspectives, it was understood that the approach had many neuroscientific features and these features were classified under certain headings. Especially in the Waldorf approach, it has been seen that the environment and classroom materials have neuroscientific properties. As a result of this research, it has been reached that holistic development, movement education, socialization, art and music have many neuroscientific bases from different aspects in the Waldorf education.