Sustainability and Sports
Chapter from the book: Zorba, E. & Yaşın, İ. (eds.) 2023. Sports Paradigms II.

Cemal Özman
Bartın University
Arif Çetin
Marmara University


The concept of sustainability has received significant attention in recent years, particularly in relation to diverse sectors and industries. Within the context of sports, sustainability relates to the capacity of sports organizations and events to fulfill present requirements while protecting the potential of future generations to fulfill their own needs. The concept of sustainability encompasses the interrelated dimensions of the environment, society, and economy, with the objective of achieving a compatible balance among these dimensions to ensure long-term viability. Topics such as the environmental implications of sports, the significance of social responsibility within the sports industry, and the economic advantages associated with sustainable practices are crucial considerations for promoting sustainability in the realm of sports. This topic center on the implementation of sustainable strategies by sports organizations with the aim of reducing carbon emissions, fostering inclusion and diversity, and making positive contributions to the local economy. By comprehending these fundamental aspects, we can enhance our comprehension of the significance of sustainability within the sports industry and its potential to foster beneficial societal transformations.

How to cite this book

Özman, C. & Çetin, A. (2023). Sustainability and Sports. In: Zorba, E. & Yaşın, İ. (eds.), Sports Paradigms II. Özgür Publications. DOI:



August 15, 2023