Investigation of Dust and Noise Exposure of Textilesectors
The textile sector has a serious volume in national and international trade. It provides employment for a great numbers in Turkey. There are factors that can pose a serious risk for employees in this sector. Two of these important risks are dust and noise. These risks affect employee health. Measures should be taken against these risks affecting the health of the employee and healthy and safe working conditions should be provided to the employees within the framework of occupational health and safety. The aim of this study is to determine the extent to which the risks affect the health of the employees and to determine the necessary precautions. For this purpose, dust and noise measurement values in the working environment of three textile factories in Uşak province were analyzed. In addition, the health examination results of 100 workers working in these factories were examined. It has been observed that dust and noise risks exceed the limit values in many parts of the textile factories studied. It has been determined that work should not be done without providing a healthy and safe working area for the employees in these sections where dust and noise are intense. Suggestions have been made for a healthier and safer working in these risky working areas. In order to eliminate or reduce dust and noise factors, the solution must be found within the source of these factors. On the other hand, even if it is determined that the employees use their personal protective equipment, it is foreseen that the employees should be examined according to the hazard classes of the workplaces in terms of health or at intervals requested by the workplace doctor.