Reflections of the First Teachers’ Strike in Turkish History on the Mecli̇s-i Mebûsan and the Press
Chapter from the book: Tansü, Y. E. (ed.) 2023. Selected Papers in the Field of History- IV.

Onur Çelebi
Yozgat Bozok University


The Ottoman State administration, which prioritized the concept of state survival, gave importance to the opening of Western-style higher schools (such as Tıbbiye, Harbiye and Mulkiye) in the 19th century in order to have the manpower trained to adapt to the rules of the age. In the last quarter of the century, İbtida-i Mektepleri (Primary Schools) were added to such schools, although late, in a way that would form the basis of primary education. However, the state authorities did not take the necessary measures to cover all the expenses of these schools. Unlike the other schools opened, it was decided to pay teachers and meet the education expenses of İbtida-i Mektepleri from the provincial budgets through direct and indirect taxes to be collected from the public. However, after the defeat in the First World War and the signing of the Armistice of Mudros, the Ottoman lands began to be occupied, and the revenues of the provincial budgets decreased. The first negative reflections of this situation were the inability to pay the salaries of civil servants and teachers and subsequent strikes. 

The present study aimed to reveal the reflections of the first teachers' strike in Turkish history on the last Ottoman Assembly and the press. While this was being done, why did the primary school teachers not receive their salaries regularly during the Armistice Period? What was the reflection of the first teacher strike in Turkish history to the public? How did the strike end? The answers to the questions in the format were sought. While preparing the study, the Meclis-i Mebûsan Zabıt Cerides and the periodical publications of the period were taken as the basis, and the study works were also benefited from.

How to cite this book

Çelebi, O. (2023). Reflections of the First Teachers’ Strike in Turkish History on the Mecli̇s-i Mebûsan and the Press. In: Tansü, Y. E. (ed.), Selected Papers in the Field of History- IV. Özgür Publications. DOI:



June 25, 2023