An Overview of Sports Tourism
Chapter from the book:
Research on Sport Sciences- V.
The sport that managed to reach more masses with the growth of technological developments has managed to become a very comprehensive area today. In particular, larger sports events such as olympics or mega events pay attention and attract audience. Sports tourism is also starting to appear here in many positive and negative aspects. Indeed, although it seems that there are economic gains on the basis, it can be seen that sports have many effects in socio-cultural as a social phenomenon. It provides countries with the opportunity to promote themselves culturally, as well as the country's ability to draw a good image. Thanks to sports, many individuals from different cultures get to know each other and interact with a cultural interaction. Sports tourism has many environmental impacts as well as socio-cultural effects. Because sports events take place in large areas and around large groups of people the environment we live in can also be affected. The least environmentally harmful damage should be done during the preparation phase for sports events. The importance of the environment should be emphasized during sports events and the positive aspect of the sport, which can reach many individuals, should be used here. In order to leave a sustainable life for future generations, paying more attention to the environment in events with high human communities. Concordantly, paying attention to environmental pollution and damage throughout the activity and the unifying power of the sport can be used and many participants can be heard around a more sustainable sport.