Presenteeism at Workplace: A Turkish Idiom “Let Friends See You at Shopping”
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues and Research.
Businesses are operating in an intensely competitive environment today and they have begun to give importance to human resources rather than material resources in order to survive and to exist at the same time. Therefore, new applications have been started to be researched to use human resources more effectively and to improve working conditions or to reduce inefficient working elements. Presenteeism means that the employee has to go to work for different reasons, appear there but cannot work efficiently. In Turkish, this is explained by the phrase "let your friends see you in shopping", which means "to show off, to pretend to work". Presenteesim has also become one of the topics that have been started to be researched recently as an element that reduces productivity. Presenteeism is an important element that organizations have just realized. So, purpose of this chapter is to introduce the concept of presenteeism and to raise awareness against this negative work behavior.