A Theoretical Approach to the Concept of Emotional Labor in Organizational Management
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues and Research.
The stages of transition to the service sector by completing the industrialization processes of developed countries have caused changes in the market, competition conditions and workforce structures. Before this period, the weight of industrial companies in the national economy was considerably higher than other sectors. Today, this situation has brought about the rapid rise of the service sector. Today, it is seen that the largest and most important companies in the world are service businesses. With the development of the service sector, the number of companies producing services all over the world has increased, and a large proportion of the workforce has started to be employed in the service sector. The fact that the service sector has become more attractive to employees and more companies enter the market has further aggravated the conditions of competition. In the study, it is aimed to draw a theoretical framework, especially to look at the concept of emotional labor from a historical perspective.