The Two Sides of the Coin in Emergency Remote Teaching Process in Higher Education: Advantages and Disadvantages
Chapter from the book:
Educational Sciences Research- V.
One of the most affected parties by the overnight transition to remote learning due to the pandemic undoubtedly has been university students. This study aims to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the emergency remote teaching process based on the arguments developed by university students according to their views and experiences and rank them in order of importance. A total of 1323 university students volunteered to participate in the research, which was conducted using the phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research designs. The data collected through computer-mediated argumentation Delphi technique were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistics. As a result of the research, 84% of university students expressed negative views, while 16% expressed positive views regarding the emergency remote teaching process. Student views on the advantages of the process were grouped under two main themes in order of importance: convenience and security, and functionality of the learning environment. Student views on the disadvantages of the process were grouped under seven main themes in order of importance: problems related to the learning environment, lack of self-regulation and self-control, communication/interaction problems, health-related issues, assessment problems, departmental differences, and inequality of opportunities. The findings were discussed in the context of Turkey, and recommendations were made to policymakers, instructors, students, and researchers.