Interpretation of Nudges on Perspective of Management Thought
Chapter from the book: Arslan, İ. & Bozgeyik, Y. (eds.) 2023. Research on Social Sciences- VI.

Yunus Emre Genç
Giresun University


2017 Nobel Prize in Economics winners Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein were awarded this prize with their work Nudge. The review of this work from the perspective of management is the main purpose of this paper. I evaluated the notes I took while summarizing the book in accordance with perspective of the management unit, manager and consumer sights. It is a study where those who do not read the book can find my conclusions from in terms of management thought. It is aimed to examine human behavior as a consumer and to provide advice to managers that can guide their attitudes and behaviors related to nudge by approaching them as a human being. The nudge is an economic factor. And this article has been written with the approach that it would be useful to examine this factor from the point of view of business administration. It is possible for human resources and marketing managers to find important issues in this paper that will be important in terms of team and profitability of an enterprise. The benefit of senior managers in evaluating the initiatives they will take in terms of nudging is an output of the article.

How to cite this book

Genç, Y. E. (2023). Interpretation of Nudges on Perspective of Management Thought. In: Arslan, İ. & Bozgeyik, Y. (eds.), Research on Social Sciences- VI. Özgür Publications. DOI:



June 25, 2023