The Relationship between Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies in Terms of Interdisciplinarity
Chapter from the book:
Research on Social Sciences- V.
Translation Studies, called in German as ‘Translationwissenschaft” and in French ‘Traductologie”, has developed quickly since the second half of the twentieth century and formed its own identity. In Akbulut’s terms, James S. Holes thought that Translation Studies had to be considered as a separate discipline and did, in Translation Studies, what Saussure, accepted as the founder of contemporary linguistics, did with his Cours de Liguistique; in other words, he began to form the basic terms of the discipline by evaluating the available data from different points. James S. Holmes both gave, in his article entitled ‘The Name and Nature of Translation Studies’ in 1972, a name to the discipline and formed a scheme defining the content of Translation Studies. Scholars discussed if ‘Translation Studies’ was a field within applied linguistics and Gideon Toury, after some theoretical and descriptive studies, defined Translation Studies as an interdisciplinary field in his book entitled In Search of a Theory of Translation (1980). Akbulut points out that Translation Studies has become an interdisciplinary and international academic discipline in the last four decades and a lot of developments have been observed because of its interdisciplinary characteristics and, it is characterized by the theories of Skopos, post-structuralism, feminism, semiotics, pragmatics, critical discourse analysis and linguistics. According to Kurultay, it is meaningless to discuss if ‘Translation Studies’ is a field of applied linguistics and, he states that it is autonomous discipline and there is an interdisciplinary relation between Translation Studies and Linguistics and not a superior-subordinate relation. ‘Translation Studies’ is related to the disciplines such as political science, sociology, linguistics, ethnology, psychology in addition to its characteristics of being an interdisciplinary discipline. In this study ‘Translation Studies’ will be examined in terms of interdisciplinarity and explained the relationship between Translation Studies, linguistics and applied linguistics.