The Role of Cognitive Processes in Climate Change: The Influence of Cognitive Style and Decision-Making Processes in the Negative Footprint Task
Chapter from the book:
Research on Social Sciences- V.
Climate change is one of our most serious problems. In this study, the relationships of climate change denial and negative footprint illusion with cognitive processes in relation to climate change are discussed. As cognitive processes, analytical and intuitive cognitive style, rational and intuitive decision-making in decision-making processes, sensitivity to the conjunction fallacy and justification of not taking enough responsibility in the solution processes of the environmental problem were used. A significant positive correlation was observed between intuitive thinking style and avoidance of environmental responsibility, and between justification of environmental responsibility, i.e. legitimisation, and the level of climate change denial. Individuals with negative footprint illusion were observed, but no significant interactions were observed in variables related to cognitive processes. Associations were also found between age and analytical style, and between intuitive style and the conjunction fallacy. The findings are discussed in the context of the climate change problem.