Workplace Social Courage Behaviours
Chapter from the book: Bayram, A. T. (ed.) 2023. Research on Social Sciences- V.

Yasemin Gülbahar
Ministry of Family Labour and Social Services of The Republic of Türkiye


Although the interest in courage behaviors is as old as the existence of human beings, empirical studies on the potential workplace impact of courage in the academic context are still in their infancy and are not sufficient in terms of data on the content of the concept. Social courage is an individual-based method of struggle against behaviors that harm the organization beyond benevolent behaviors in the organization. These behaviors, which are associated with the Big Five Personality dimensions, have revealed many individual and organizational positive results in the organizational environment. In this context, the aim of this study is to indicate the scope and importance of social courage behaviors and to reveal the causes and consequences of their emergence in the organizational environment.

How to cite this book

Gülbahar, Y. (2023). Workplace Social Courage Behaviours. In: Bayram, A. T. (ed.), Research on Social Sciences- V. Özgür Publications. DOI:



June 25, 2023