Roman Period Glass Unguentariums at the Hacibektas Veli Archeology Museum
Chapter from the book:
Current Approaches in Social Sciences.
The aim of this study is to examine the glass unguentariums from the Roman Period in Hacibektas Veli Archeology Museum in terms of technique and form. The glass unguentariums in Hacibektas Veli Archeology Museum are classified as tube, bulbous, conical and candelabra. There are 12 glass unguentariums from the Roman Period in total in the museum. 11 of them were brought to the museum by purchasing; One of them was found around Suluca Karahöyük and brought to the museum. Of the glass unguentarium, 6 are tubular in shape, 1 are candelabra in shape, 3 are bulbous in shape and 2 are conical in shape. The lengths of tubular unguentariums vary between 9.1 cm and 13.4 cm; The length of the candelabra-shaped unguentarium is 13 cm, the length of the bulbous-shaped unguentarium is between 10.3 cm and 17.6 cm, and the length of the conical unguentarium is 9.3 cm. Glass unguentariums consist of dark green, colorless transparent, pale green, light green, light blue-green, blue-green colors. The earliest glass unguentarium belongs to the middle of the 1st century AD, and the latest glass unguentarium is dated to the 3rd century AD.