Commonly Used Eco-Labels in The Tourism Sector and Their Principles of Functioning
Chapter from the book: Kalemci Tüzün, İ. & Öksüz, M. (eds.) 2023. Multifaceted Research in The Field of Tourism II.

Yaşar Yiğit Kaçmaz


Even though the tourism industry has a large share in the global economy, when we take tourist mobility and tourism rate of growth into consideration, it is a fact that it has many negative impacts on the environment. Removing side effects of tourism on the environment, if not possible, reducing it to a minimum level is a concern to all tourism shareholders. When the approach of the tourism industry to this issue is examined, it has been seen that it has started to develop control systems in order to reduce the side effects of tourism to the environment since 1980’s. The tourism industry prefers eco-labelling programs in control system studies, which are started to develop like many industries. Today, eco-labels are widely used in the tourism industry. In addition, the reasons and ways of the uses of eco-labels preferred in the tourism industry emerge as a subject to be scrutinized. In this regard, within the scope of the study, eco-labels in the tourism industry have been discussed in purpose and benefit and widely preferred eco-labels by the tourism industry have been studied by probing functioning processes of the eco-labels.

How to cite this book

Kaçmaz, Y. Y. (2023). Commonly Used Eco-Labels in The Tourism Sector and Their Principles of Functioning. In: Kalemci Tüzün, İ. & Öksüz, M. (eds.), Multifaceted Research in The Field of Tourism II. Özgür Publications. DOI:



September 30, 2023