The Political Marriages of the Gokturks with China during the Interregnum (630-680)
Chapter from the book:
Selected Papers in the Field of History- III.
After the I. Gokturk State collapsed due to many political, military and economic factors such as the throne fights in 581, China's intrigues and famine, it tried to struggle to avoid damage in its foreign policy with China as East and West for about seventy years until 630. Many policies of China were effective in the collapse of the Eastern and Western Gokturk State and entering the fifty-year Interregnum. Among these policies, the heqin policy can be seen as the most important. Heqin policy means marriage by kinship in history. China used with a different function, the heqin policy , which was used for peace purposes in the years when the Gokturks were strong, this time in the Interregnum Period.The China aimed to keep them under control with military governorships (garrisons) placed in Gokturk lands. In these governorships, he married the Gokturk beys to the Chinese princesses and brought them to important positions. In this study, the collapse of the Gokturk State, the struggle for independence and the fifty-year historical period in captivity, the marriages of China with important people from the Ashina lineage and the importance of these marriages in terms of Chinese-Gokturk history will be tried to be discussed.