Financial Performance of Borsa Istanbul (BIST) Sectors with PROMETHEE Method Analysis
Chapter from the book:
Economics and Finance Studies.
During business operations, people with decision-making responsibilities may face complex problems during some periods. These problems are choices among alternatives with multiple criteria. Multi-criteria decision-making techniques, especially in financial preferences, provide an important advantage to their interlocutors. These techniques enable financial decisions to be handled in a more systematic, objective and rational manner and also enable the comparison of risks and returns when analyzing different investment alternatives and help to determine the most appropriate option. Financial choices can often be multidimensional and complex. Multi-criteria decision-making techniques offer the opportunity to evaluate these different criteria separately and integrate them into the decision-making process. One of the multi-criteria decision-making techniques, which is so important in financial investment preferences, is used in this study. The financial performances of 13 sectors traded in Borsa Istanbul (BIST) were analyzed by the PROMETHEE method, one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods that can produce effective and efficient results. The 10 financial ratios most commonly used in the literature to measure financial performance were used in the study. As a result of the study, the "Mining and Quarrying" sector was the sector with the best financial performance. Then, the "Real Estate Activities", "Hotels and Restaurants" sectors have been the sectors with good financial performance respectively. Multi-criteria decision-making techniques are an effective, fast, reliable, scientific method that can be used in financial preferences and problems.