Evaluation of Turkey's Renewable Energy Potential and Capacity Utilization Rate
Chapter from the book:
Economics and Finance Studies.
Turkey, despite being rich in renewable energy resources, is not able to utilize its existing potential sufficiently. As a result, Turkey cannot meet its high energy demand with domestic resources and remains dependent on energy imports. The increasing import of fossil fuel-based energy in particular exacerbates the challenges Turkey faces in sustainable energy use and environmental conservation. Furthermore, the fact that natural gas, imported coal, and lignite have the highest share in Turkey's electricity generation indicates the continued dependence on fossil energy sources.
In this study, Turkey's renewable energy potential is compared with the current generated energy and a capacity utilization rate is calculated. According to the results of the study, Turkey's solar energy potential is 215 GW. However, Turkey's installed solar energy capacity is only 8 GW. The amount of electricity generated is 14 TWh. The capacity utilization rate is calculated to be 0.74%. Turkey's wind energy potential is stated as 182 GW, with an installed capacity of 11 GW. The amount of electricity generated is 31 TWh. The capacity utilization rate is calculated to be 1.97%. These rates indicate that only a small portion of the existing potential of solar and wind energies is being utilized. Turkey's hydropower energy potential is calculated as 53 GW, with an installed capacity of 31 GW. The amount of electricity generated from hydropower is 56 TWh. The capacity utilization rate is calculated to be 12.05%. This high-capacity utilization rate demonstrates that hydropower energy extensively benefits from its existing potential. Turkey's geothermal energy potential is calculated as 32 GW. However, the installed capacity is only 2 GW. The amount of electricity generated is 11 TWh, and the capacity utilization rate is calculated to be 3.91%. This rate indicates that the potential of geothermal energy is still being underutilized. Turkey's biomass energy potential is stated as 10 GW, with an installed capacity of 2 GW. The amount of electricity generated is 8 TWh. The capacity utilization rate is calculated to be 0.68%. Accordingly, the potential of biomass energy is also not being adequately utilized.