New Paradigm in Human Resources Management: HRM 4.0
Chapter from the book:
Çevik Tekin,
Management Information Systems: Digital Transformation Management in Businesses.
Industrial revolutions have led to many changes and developments in production methods and processes in working life from past to present. The revolution that has perhaps caused the most change and development in both the social and business worlds is called Industry 4.0. With Industry 4.0, many developments such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, robotic automation, cloud technology have started to make a name for themselves in working life and have radically changed production processes. With this change, the problematic of what will be the place of humans, who have been the basic production factor until today, has begun to be discussed. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the effects of the fourth industrial revolution on human resources and the management of these resources.These effects have been tried to be determined by considering the developments and changes experienced today.