Malingering ın Busıness Lıfe
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues.
The concept of malingering, which means false illness, is not only an issue that should be addressed by the field of psychiatry, but also an important issue that should be examined for businesses. This concept, which is difficult to detect, is seen as a situation where employees take shelter in order to escape from work. The concept of malingering, which is defined as consciously pretending to be sick, exaggerating or triggering the disease for an identifiable secondary gain, has become an important problem in business life within the framework of its causes and effects. Malingering in business life can be due to personal reasons as well as to reasons arising from the business environment. Many empirical studies show that malingering; health complaints, perceived workload, working conditions, ergonomic defects, negative employee-manager and employee-employee relations, health status of individuals, age, migration history, job and income satisfaction, size of the institution they work for, and existence of a fixed-term employment contract. reported to be significantly related to its properties. The effects of malingering are manifested in the form of turnover, continuous payment of absent employees, inadequate use of labor, productivity losses, customer dissatisfaction, increased administrative costs, high turnover costs, reductions in workforce morale, and heavier workloads. The increase in malingering is not only harmful to organizations in the long run, but also brings a burden to the state and society. Despite all this importance of the subject, it is seen that studies in the field of health are intensively carried out, although scientific statistics on malingering in enterprises cannot be reached. In this context, it is thought that it is important to know the concept in detail.