Occupational Future Time Perspective
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues.
An increasing interest in the concept of time perspective, describing particular time horizons, is observed in organizational behaviour literature. Decision making in lives and careers of individuals is not only contingent upon what takes place in the present but also on how one feels about the past and one’s hopes for the future. However, when it comes to time perspective and career decision making, occupational psychology has focused particularly on future time perspective. A core construct in the socio-emotional selectivity theory, future time perspective refers to individuals’ perceptions of their remaining time and opportunity in life. Occupational future time perspective concept originates from research in the lifespan developmental literature on the future time perspective. Occupational future time perspective means that employees’ perceptions of their future in the employment context. Results of researches show that, in addition to its strong negative relationship with age, occupational future time perspective is also associated with other individual (e.g., personality traits) and contextual variables (e.g., job characteristics). Moreover, occupational future time perspective has been determined to mediate and moderate relationships of individual and contextual antecedents with occupational well-being, motivational and behavioural outcomes. This study investigated occupational future time perspective in work organizations. It is thought that the study will contribute to the organizational behaviour and human resources management knowledge base.