Green Organizations
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues.
Since organizations are social systems that interact with the environment, the development of green environmental awareness among the organization is inevitable in order to make natural resources sustainable. Regardless of the sector, organizations must develop an awareness of environmental problems. Today, environmental awareness is very important in order to provide competitive advantages and to make this superiority sustainable. Therefore, green organization functions have taken the place of classical functioning in organizations. Green organizations have a strategic importance in terms of using resources economically, developing green awareness towards nature and making this awareness sustainable. In this way, while the costs of the organizations decrease, the corporate image is also positively affected. While the main purpose of the top management in traditional management approaches was to produce and market the needed product or service, today, in addition to this purpose, environmental awareness has been added as an extension of corporate social responsibility. In this direction, in addition to the basic objectives of the organizations, it is ensured that they use their resources economically with green environmental awareness, reduce their costs and contribute to the sustainability of the resources. In this section, under the title of green organization, it is emphasized the place and importance of some functions in the management of organizations such as human resources management, production and marketing.
At the same time, it is aimed to investigate the current studies on green organizations in the literature. According to the result, green environmental policies come first among the corporate social responsibilities of organizations. A green organization with environmentally friendly strategies, sustainability and green behavior is a beacon of hope for future generations. Sustainable green strategies give organizations a competitive advantage.