Enrichment with the Morin Ligand of Titanium Element from Waste Ash in Galvanising Factories
Chapter from the book:
Academic Researches in Mathematics and Science.
In this study, it is aimed to determine the amount of Ti(titanium) in waste ash samples taken from galvanizing factories by using flame atomic absorption (FAAS). In addition, in these wastes, zinc (Zn), silicon (Si), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), aluminum (Al), lead (Pb) elements are also the method is intended to be determined.
Different solvent mixtures were tried to prepare the ash samples for analysis and SAE device was used at this stage. Morine ligand and Triton X-100 as surfactant was used for the recovery of Ti. The optimum results found were applied on ash samples. As a result of the study, while the optimum recovery values varied between 96-99% , the relative standard deviation values were found to be less than 10%. The enrichment factor and the recovery value in real samples were found to be 45 and 83%, respectively.