Fatigue Analysis of Leaf Springs
Chapter from the book:
Interdisciplinary studies on contemporary research practices in engineering in the 21st century-III.
This study aims to design leaf springs, also known as scissor springs, with the help of SolidWorks 2018 program in computer environment and then analyze them with the help of Ansys Workbench 18.1 program in computer environment. In this study, we designed the parabolic leaf spring sample, which was actually produced (Type - 1), in a computer environment and then made the necessary examinations by performing finite element analysis. In addition, in order to see the difference more clearly, the analysis was made with the modified version of the sample (Type - 2). The investigations are also written in sub-headings. The main purpose of this study is to design a leaf spring in a short period of time and to start mass production of leaf springs without the need for physical tests.