GIS-Based Evaluation of Disaster and Emergency Assembly Areas with AHP in Local Scale
Chapter from the book:
Interdisciplinary studies on contemporary research practices in engineering in the 21st century-III.
In an area that is tectonically active and has various fault zones, earthquakes of varying magnitudes have occurred in our country both in the past and today. Like in the rest of the world, various analyses and research are being conducted in our country to eliminate or minimize the loss of life and property caused by earthquakes. In this study, the locations of existing disaster and emergency assembly areas in the Ovacık district were determined and visualized on Google Earth. Furthermore, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based analysis and weighted overlay method, a risk classification was conducted. To this end, basic inputs in the GIS environment, including slope, geology, distance to rivers, distance to roads, distance to settlements, elevation, distance to fault lines, land use, and population data layers, were used. Existing collection areas were digitized and incorporated into this framework as vector layers. The disaster and emergency assembly area sensitivity map of the study area is divided into 3 sensitivity classes. According to this map; regions of high, middle and low sensitivity were obtained as 8.35%, 76.23% and 15.42%, respectively. It is observed that both existing assembly areas are within the high sensitivity zone. The two existing assembly areas are geologically located within the Karabük formation (Teka). Because it contains coal levels, assembly areas on the Karabük formation require more detailed field studies and taking field measures. Apart from this, it has been observed that the existing assembly areas comply with the other parameters used.